
Courses within the newly established and comprehensive Department of Science, 数学, 和技术帮助学生发展逻辑思维,以了解他们周围的世界. Courses center around developing students' thinking and problem solving.

这三个学科, 就像任何艺术形式一样, 每一种语言都是由连贯而精确的语言组成的吗, 有自己的逻辑, 规则, 和美丽. 通过精心定制和差异化的课程, 学院的学生受到鼓舞, 挑战, 并鼓励, 无论能力如何, 在工作中获得卓越和满意. The courses emphasize disciplined experimentation and encourage intellectual risks and creativity. 

The mathematics courses range from algebra to BC 微积分, with numerous AP and honors offerings. Each student will graduate having at least one course in biology, chemistry, and physics. 还有各种各样的科学和技术选修课. The collaboration between all three of these discip行 provides students with a cohesive, consistent education that allows for deep and rich cross-curricular experiences.

