Courses within the newly established and comprehensive Department of Science, 数学, 和技术帮助学生发展逻辑思维,以了解他们周围的世界. Courses center around developing students' thinking and problem solving.
这三个学科, 就像任何艺术形式一样, 每一种语言都是由连贯而精确的语言组成的吗, 有自己的逻辑, 规则, 和美丽. 通过精心定制和差异化的课程, 学院的学生受到鼓舞, 挑战, 并鼓励, 无论能力如何, 在工作中获得卓越和满意. The courses emphasize disciplined experimentation and encourage intellectual risks and creativity.
The mathematics courses range from algebra to BC 微积分, with numerous AP and honors offerings. Each student will graduate having at least one course in biology, chemistry, and physics. 还有各种各样的科学和技术选修课. The collaboration between all three of these discip行 provides students with a cohesive, consistent education that allows for deep and rich cross-curricular experiences.
荣誉代数I建立在学生在以前的课程中获得的知识基础上,为严格的数学研究奠定了基础. Topics are covered at an advanced pace and include but are not limited to: the Real Number System, 绝对值, 方程与不等式, 图形, 线性和二次函数, 方程组, 指数, 多项式, 激进分子, 理性表达式.
代数II扩展和建立在代数1中学习的概念,以提高解决问题的能力. Algebra 2 continues the study of algebra with a focus on the analysis of functions, 包括多项式, 理性的, 指数, 和对数函数. Emphasis will be made on solving, 图形, transforming, and modeling these functions.
荣誉代数2继续代数的严格研究在一个先进的步伐,重点是对函数的分析, 包括多项式, 理性的, 指数, 和对数函数. Emphasis is made on solving, 图形, transforming, and modeling these functions.
几何 introduces students to the basic principles of Euclidean geometry. 学生将学习关键的定义, 符号, 符号, 定理, and properties of geometric figures which serve as the foundation for the course. 重点放在发展演绎推理和逻辑思维能力,通过使用几何证明. 探讨的主题包括:基本定义, 行, 角, 三角形, 四边形, 圈, 多边形, 固体, 同余, 相似, 比例与比例, 转换, 基本的三角函数, 周长的公式, area, 表面积, 和体积.
荣誉几何的设计是为了满足学生的需要,谁能够在更大的深度和更快的速度学习几何. 本课程的重点是平面和立体几何. Students will develop deductive reasoning skills to solve problems and write complex proofs, 会学到解决问题的逻辑方法吗, and will improve their ability to communicate both concrete and abstract ideas. 探讨的主题包括:基本定义, 行, 角, 三角形, 四边形, 圈, 多边形, 固体, 同余, 相似, 比例, 三角函数, 分形, 三维坐标, 转换, 周长的公式, area, 表面积, 和体积.
微积分 continues the study of algebraic topics in preparation for 微积分. 第一学期将着重于三角学,第二学期将包括极图的研究, 向量, 圆锥部分, 序列, 和系列. Students successfully completing the class should be ready for AP微积分AB, 据美联社统计, 第二年的《离散数学.
荣誉微积分预科继续在微积分准备的先进步伐代数主题的严格研究. 第一学期将集中学习三角函数,第二学期将学习极坐标图, 向量, 圆锥部分, 序列, 系列, 和概率. Students successfully completing the class should be ready for AP微积分AB.
AP微积分AB focuses on understanding mathematical concepts using graphical, 数值, 分析方法. 学生将被期望通过数字以及使用图表和书面解释来传达他们的理解. 图形计算器将被广泛使用, and students will take the AP exam at the end of the year for potential college credit.
化学是研究物质及其变化的学科. 在整个课程中, students will learn about key concepts such as characteristics of matter, 化学反应, 化学计量学, 原子化学, 所有这些都会培养你的分析能力, 定量, 关键技能. Students will have many opportunities to perform laboratory experiments designed to deepen their understanding of course concepts; these 实验室 will incorporate chemistry concepts as well as relevant technology, such as the use of Nspire calculators to perform precise measurements. 将讨论正在进行的科学发现和研究,以提高科学素养.
AP微积分BC is taken after successful completion of AP微积分AB. BC考试涵盖大学微积分的前两个学期. 大学微积分第一学期的材料(AB课程)在学年开始时复习,然后是新材料. AP课程之外的其他主题也经常被涵盖, 比如线性代数, 分形, 和/或基本编程. 这门课通常作为独立学习来教授.
AP统计学涵盖了与典型的大学水平统计学入门课程相同的材料. This class can be split into four unequal parts: analysis of patterns in data and display of data, 通过完善的计划收集有效的数据, usage of 概率 to anticipate data distribution (there is order in the universe!), and employment of statistical inference (how confident we are about a particular hypothesis). Students will take the AP exam in May for potential college credit.
生物学 challenges students to explore concepts that explain living systems. Themes that undergird units of study include living systems in balance, and the return of systems impacted by internal and external forces to new states of balance. 学习单元包括生态学, 细胞生物学, 无脊椎动物的比较解剖学, 遗传和进化. 学生们练习科学的过程技能,例如生成和分析数据的适当程序,以便结果有助于支持概念. 生物学研究的问题包括基因工程的挑战,以及由于入侵物种和栖息地丧失对生物多样性和当地社区健康的威胁.
解剖学和生理学是生命科学领域的一门高级实验课程,它挑战学生将人体与他们的艺术训练联系起来. 本课程围绕两个主题展开. 首先,人体是一个处于平衡状态的系统. 破坏这种平衡的环境变化会使身体回到一种新的平衡状态. The second is how body structures complement the functions they help serve. 舞者被鼓励学习解剖学和生理学,因为对肌肉和骨骼系统的研究补充了他们对运动的研究. 强烈鼓励视觉艺术家参加课程,以便更好地渲染人物形象. 演员也会受益,因为更好地了解人体可以增强他们在舞台上表演的训练.
物理学是研究宇宙基本方面的学科. 在整个课程中, students will learn and study the major facets of physics such as classical mechanics, 光学, 波, 电与磁, 现代物理学. 将有很多机会进行实验室实验和参与小组项目,将课程概念和相关技术联系起来.
AP计算机科学原理向学生介绍计算机编程的技术和方法,以及计算机科学的历史和理论. 本课程将使用Java语言进行教学, 学生可以通过在累积AP计算机科学原理测试中表现良好而获得大学学分. 参加本课程的学生有机会进行许多课堂编程活动和实验, as well as to work on larger thematic projects that may include writing a text-based video game, writing scientific programs drawing knowledge learned in previous science classes, 等.
健康与福利 focuses on taking a holistic approach to well being. 本课程探讨生物学, 人类性行为的心理和社会方面, 营养, 健康和有害物质, 和人际关系. 话题包括性别认同, 性别, effects of cultural and environmental influences on human relationships and behavior, 促进良好的身心健康和福祉, 解决冲突的有效沟通策略, 利用技术驾驭关系, 以及当前大发彩票平台登录对个人和全球健康的影响. Curriculum will draw from Planned Parenthood's "Get Real" Comprehensive Sexual Education program, excerpts from "Consent: The New Rules of Sexual Education" by Jennifer Lang, FDA和CDC的营养指南, 压力, 和睡眠, as well as articles from current events news sources such as the New York Times, 国家地理, 和英国广播公司.
这门课涵盖了我们为维护和改善人类健康和食物健康而斗争的历史, 病毒的力量, 细菌, 还有昆虫来帮助和伤害我们, and the innovative and often destructive ways we have interacted with them in the past. Topics will include the history of disease and the treatment of infection, 疾病传播媒介, 昆虫解剖, 授粉, 农业病虫害防治, 寄生虫, 以及它们如何影响今天的人们. This course serves as an introduction to the topics of Entomology, 对昆虫的研究, 和流行病学, 传染病学对传染病的研究. This is a lab based course: be prepared to work with both live and dead insects and 细菌!
天文学 is the scientific study of the contents of the entire Universe. This course will cover the composition and structure of the universe through research, 实验室, 模拟, 和讨论. 内容包括, 但不限于, 天文学的历史, 天文仪器, 太阳系, 地球是太空中的一个系统, 黑洞, 地球/月球系统, 太阳是一颗星星, 和星星.
科学论述与辩论鼓励学生研究当前流行的科学话题/问题. 学生们在选择他们支持的辩论一方之前,会对每个话题背后的科学做一个简短的介绍. 然后他们有机会在课堂辩论中研究自己的证据来支持他们的观点.
本课程的目的是通过科学素养和实验设计来教授科学和数学的基础知识. 同时也要注意认识论方面的考虑, 探索历史背景将是必不可少的. 在课程中, 你将被要求构建自己的思维实验,并对实验背后的科学或数学现象提供详细的解释. 这门课程需要大量的写作, 包括大发彩票平台的来源提出的特定论点的优势和局限性的简短论文, extensive research papers on the philosophical questions raised by thought experiments, the scientific and mathematical background of the thought experiment, and detailed presentations representing the process and conclusion of the thought experiment.
《大发彩票平台登录》为学生提供了发展基本数学思维方式所需的时间和精力. 学生将参与的想法和问题,从具体的问题解决转移到抽象和一般理论的准备. Topics covered include but are not limited to: the Real Number System, 绝对值, 方程与不等式, 图形, 线性和二次函数, 方程组, 指数, 多项式, 激进分子, 理性表达式.